Clearly I am not the first to say this, but it's true. Mass Effect has ruined my life. It's ridiculous.
And I thought Dragon Age was bad, no. Mass Effect is worse.
But here are some things, so it doesn't look like I'm abandoning this place. Also I switched to English, because of reasons. Let us start with my OTP, which I draw to often as it would be healthy.
I started a new file with adept Shepard and I thought why not show off her biotics, because they're super awseome. Which is just an excuse to draw them, actually. Sorry.
Propably something I'll never finish. I like the line work, but I got frustrated at some point.
I refuse to think they're never be able to adopt a million children. I refuse. Thank you.
Liara and Feron. I ship this really hard, because. Nope.
And last, but not least my Tabris with a very wrong collarbone and even worse boobs. The rest is fine. Except for her plastic sword. yeah...
Also I suggest listening to the Silent Hill Downpour soundtrack if you never have, dear reader. Because, like all of the Silent Hill games, Downpour has a beautiful soundtrack, especially the tracks you hear ingame when you turn on the radios, which are randomly standing in rooms.
It may or may not be the best part about this game.