But... It's just so awesome. Really. (Next to the romance stuff... ahem.)
It looks like a weird tent. But it's actually a crappy fort on Shepard's bed.
Hi there OTP. How're you doin'? Yes. RIGHT IN THE FEELS! ( =´ ⌂ `= )
The idea behind this is still pretty neat in my head. So consider this a sketch. A serious sketch.
My Tali + Kal headcanon. Yeah. Thing is, even if the picture of Tali sucks, the idea behind the design is fine with me. I can work with it. (Oh god, this is probably an unpopular opinion. le gasp) I think Kal is a beard guy. Suits him.
Rannoch and stuff... creys...
Ashley is weird. But not bad weird. Just... weird.
WIP of Alice Liddle; Alice:Madness Returns
I've been watching a walkthrough of this game. And I don't know, but I like it so far. Don't know if that would change when I play it myself, but it looks amazing. I mean the art of this game. It's really pretty I think, and fun to watch.